Last spaces available for summer singing!

Hello everyone!

We hope that you are all enjoying the full throes of Spring and have been getting your fill of the fresh air and sunshine where it’s been available. It’s always a joy to see the garden here at the house burst back into life again. We’re looking forward to seeing how the first saplings in our future woodland settle in and make the best of their new home.

Just a quick announcement to let you know that we still have some limited availability for our two singing courses this August.

Songs from a Full Moon, likely the last full singing course Candy will run at the house, has just returned some cancellations. There is only a space or two available and when they’re gone, they’re gone. The course runs from the 9th-16th of August. If you would like to attend, please get in contact with Paul directly via email, using the button below:

9th - 16th August

Singing Holiday for more experienced singers with Candy Verney and Lindsey Williams

We also have just a few unsold spaces for the August Singing on the Wild Side course, with Sarah Garden. Sarah has been running courses at the house for a number of years now, and anyone who has attended can attest to how great a teacher she is, and the fun you will have. We have a fantastic group already signed up. Come and join them! This course runs from the 23rd - 30th August and you can still sign up through the website, using the button below:

23rd - 30th August

A wide range of singers come on our holidays: from beginners to experienced and confident singers

All of these spaces are on a first come, first served basis. We’d love to see you out here this summer!

Very warm wishes from all at The Song House.